// Optimizing businesses

Native Mobile Application Development

We make high-performance native mobile apps for iOS and Android, pushing the boundaries of the user experience with future-proof solutions. Our deep platform knowledge and cutting-edge development tools ensure apps that leverage native functionalities for optimal performance, prioritize efficient code for a seamless experience, and put security at the forefront to safeguard user data. We create intuitive interfaces that prioritize user needs, making our apps not only functional but also a delight to use.

// Our Expertise

iOS & Android Development Services

We deliver cutting-edge iOS and Android development services designed to maximize your reach across both mobile ecosystems. Our approach blends technical mastery with proven methodologies, guaranteeing exceptional user experiences on a vast array of devices. Here’s a deeper look into the core strengths of our iOS and Android development solutions.
Languages & Frameworks

We champion modern languages like Swift (iOS) and Kotlin (Android) alongside cutting-edge UI frameworks like SwiftUI (iOS) and Jetpack Compose (Android). This combination ensures highly performant, secure, and maintainable codebases.

Platform-Specific SDKs

We leverage the latest official SDKs (Software Development Kits) for each platform. This includes Core Motion, Core Data (iOS) and Location Services, and Room Persistence Library (Android) to unlock the full potential of native functionalities.

Modern Architectures

Our team implements robust and scalable architectures tailored to each platform. We utilize industry-standard patterns like Model-View-Controller (MVC) for iOS and Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) for Android, ensuring app stability and long-term maintainability.

Intuitive UI/UX Design

Our design team crafts user interfaces that meticulously adhere to the latest platform design guidelines – Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) for iOS and Material Design 3 for Android. This guarantees a native and intuitive user experience for your app users.

Device-Agnostic Optimization

We meticulously tailor app experiences for the ever-evolving device landscape. Our expertise ensures optimal performance across diverse screen sizes, manufacturers, and form factors (e.g., foldable phones).

Advanced Analytics & Reporting

We integrate industry-standard tools like Firebase Crashlytics and Google Analytics to proactively identify issues and glean valuable user insights, enabling data-driven decisions for both iOS and Android apps.

Seamless Third-Party Integrations

Our developers seamlessly incorporate essential functionalities to enhance user engagement and convenience. This includes payment gateways (e.g., Apple Pay, Google Pay), social logins, mapping services (e.g., Apple Maps, Google Maps), and cloud messaging solutions (e.g., Firebase Cloud Messaging, Apple Push Notification Service).

Real-time Data Synchronization

We establish persistent connections using WebSockets or similar technologies to facilitate real-time data exchange between apps and backend services, enabling features like live chat or stock tickers.

Enhanced Communication Features

Integrate best-in-class solutions like Twilio or Agora for real-time audio, video, or even text chat functionalities within your apps.

Effortless Media Playback

Our team leverages native media frameworks or cutting-edge third-party libraries to enable seamless playback of various audio and video formats within your iOS and Android apps.

On-Device Machine Learning (Android)

We empower Android apps with Google's ML Kit to integrate machine learning functionalities like on-device image recognition or text recognition for a richer user experience.

Unwavering Security

Our development process adheres to the most stringent industry best practices for secure coding and data handling. This ensures robust protection of both your app and user data.

Agile Development with CI/CD

We implement CI/CD pipelines to automate the build, test, and deployment processes for both iOS and Android apps. This ensures efficiency and rapid iteration cycles, allowing you to get your app to market faster.

// Our Expertise

iOS & Android Development Services

We deliver cutting-edge iOS and Android development services designed to maximize your reach across both mobile ecosystems. Our approach blends technical mastery with proven methodologies, guaranteeing exceptional user experiences on a vast array of devices. Here’s a deeper look into the core strengths of our iOS and Android development solutions
Core Development Technologies
Languages & Frameworks

We champion modern languages like Swift (iOS) and Kotlin (Android) alongside cutting-edge UI frameworks like SwiftUI (iOS) and Jetpack Compose (Android). This combination ensures highly performant, secure, and maintainable codebases.

Platform-Specific SDKs

We leverage the latest official SDKs (Software Development Kits) for each platform. This includes Core Motion, Core Data (iOS) and Location Services, and Room Persistence Library (Android) to unlock the full potential of native functionalities.

Modern Architectures

Our team implements robust and scalable architectures tailored to each platform. We utilize industry-standard patterns like Model-View-Controller (MVC) for iOS and Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) for Android, ensuring app stability and long-term maintainability.

Intuitive UI/UX Design

Our design team crafts user interfaces that meticulously adhere to the latest platform design guidelines – Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) for iOS and Material Design 3 for Android. This guarantees a native and intuitive user experience for your app users.

Platform Agnosticism and Integration
Device-Agnostic Optimization

We meticulously tailor app experiences for the ever-evolving device landscape. Our expertise ensures optimal performance across diverse screen sizes, manufacturers, and form factors (e.g., foldable phones).

Advanced Analytics & Reporting

We integrate industry-standard tools like Firebase Crashlytics and Google Analytics to proactively identify issues and glean valuable user insights, enabling data-driven decisions for both iOS and Android apps.

Seamless Third-Party Integrations

Our developers seamlessly incorporate essential functionalities to enhance user engagement and convenience. This includes payment gateways (e.g., Apple Pay, Google Pay), social logins, mapping services (e.g., Apple Maps, Google Maps), and cloud messaging solutions (e.g., Firebase Cloud Messaging, Apple Push Notification Service).

Advanced Functionalities
Real-time Data Synchronization

We establish persistent connections using WebSockets or similar technologies to facilitate real-time data exchange between apps and backend services, enabling features like live chat or stock tickers.

Enhanced Communication Features

Integrate best-in-class solutions like Twilio or Agora for real-time audio, video, or even text chat functionalities within your apps.

Effortless Media Playback

Our team leverages native media frameworks or cutting-edge third-party libraries to enable seamless playback of various audio and video formats within your iOS and Android apps.

On-Device Machine Learning (Android)

We empower Android apps with Google's ML Kit to integrate machine learning functionalities like on-device image recognition or text recognition for a richer user experience.

Security and Automation
Unwavering Security

Our development process adheres to the most stringent industry best practices for secure coding and data handling. This ensures robust protection of both your app and user data.

Agile Development with CI/CD

We implement CI/CD pipelines to automate the build, test, and deployment processes for both iOS and Android apps. This ensures efficiency and rapid iteration cycles, allowing you to get your app to market faster.

// Beyond Development

Comprehensive Support and Maintenance

Our partnership extends far beyond the initial development phase. We offer a robust suite of support, maintenance, and optimization services designed to ensure the sustained success and enduring relevance of your native iOS and Android applications.

  • Security Patching Addressing emerging security vulnerabilities to safeguard your app and user data.
  • Platform Compatibility Updates Maintaining seamless operation as underlying operating systems (iOS, Android) evolve.
  • Feature and Functionality Enhancements Implementing new features and functionalities based on user feedback and market trends.
  • Pre-Launch Optimization Collaboratively refining the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) for optimal user engagement.
    • Streamlined Deployment Ensuring smooth and efficient app store launches.
    • Post-Deployment Support Providing ongoing assistance to address any user inquiries or technical issues.
  • Post-Launch Refinement By leveraging advanced analytics and user feedback, we continuously optimize your applications. This data-driven approach ensures that your app.
    • Maximizes Performance We identify and address performance bottlenecks to deliver a smooth and responsive user experience.
    • Enhances Usability We refine user flows and interaction paradigms based on user behavior analysis.
    • Prioritizes User Engagement We iterate on features and functionalities to maximize user satisfaction and in-app engagement.
// Native touch

Native application development Expertise

We empower you to create exceptional mobile applications by offering top-tier native app development services for iOS and Android. Our team possesses deep expertise in platform-specific technologies, allowing them to unlock the full potential of each operating system and design user experiences that truly resonate.


Leverage the power of Swift and Xcode to craft high-performance, intuitive apps that seamlessly integrate with Apple's ecosystem. We utilize cutting-edge frameworks like SwiftUI to deliver fluid animations, intuitive interactions, and stunning user interfaces.


Embrace the flexibility of Kotlin and Android Studio to build dynamic and responsive apps that cater to the diverse Android device landscape. We tap into Android's rich set of APIs and libraries, including Jetpack Compose, to create apps that feel native on any device.

Platform-Specific Optimization

Fine-tune your apps for each platform to ensure peak performance and user satisfaction. We utilize platform-specific design patterns, navigation paradigms, and cutting-edge optimization techniques to deliver a truly native experience that delights users on both iOS and Android.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Our
Native Mobile App Development Experts!

// Success Partner

Your Native Application Development Partner

We are your one-stop shop for native app development. We offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored for iOS and Android platforms, transforming your app ideas into reality with precision and excellence.

From Concept to Reality: We Build Your Vision
Expert Consulting

Collaborate with our seasoned professionals to refine your app concept, identify the most suitable technology stack, and craft a strategic roadmap for your native app development journey.

Modern UI/UX Design

Our talented design team creates captivating user interfaces and exceptional user experiences that resonate with your target audience. We leverage platform-specific design principles and best practices to ensure your app looks and feels native on iOS and Android.

App Maintenance and Support

Guarantee the long-term success of your native apps with our ongoing support and maintenance services. We handle updates, bug fixes, and performance optimizations to keep your apps running smoothly and securely.

Tailored Native Solutions

We specialize in native app development for iOS and Android using industry-leading frameworks and tools, including

  • iOS Development: Swift, Xcode, SwiftUI
  • Android Development: Kotlin, Android Studio, Jetpack Compose
// Pioneering process

Advanced Techniques for Standout Mobile Apps

Our team of expert developers is proficient in leveraging the full capabilities of iOS and Android platforms to create cutting-edge native applications that stand out in the competitive app market. Here’s a glimpse into what sets our native development expertise apart.

UI/UX Components

Design custom UI components that elevate the user experience and reflect your unique brand identity. From intricate animations to seamless transitions, we craft pixel-perfect interfaces that captivate and engage users.

Native Feature Integration

Integrate platform-specific features and APIs to unlock the full potential of iOS and Android devices. Whether it's leveraging Face ID on iOS or implementing location-based services on Android, we ensure seamless integration with native functionalities.

Performance-Driven Development

Prioritize performance and efficiency to deliver lightning-fast, responsive apps that keep users engaged. Our developers employ advanced optimization techniques to minimize app size, reduce loading times, and maximize battery life on iOS and Android devices.

Continuous Improvement Culture

Embrace a culture of continuous improvement with agile development methodologies and iterative feedback loops. We leverage user data and feedback to constantly refine and enhance your native apps, ensuring they evolve with your users' needs and preferences.

// Efficient Workflow

Native Application Development Process

  • Project goals and inform feature prioritization for each sprint, focusing on functionalities that deliver a native experience optimized for the chosen platform (iOS or Android).
  • Prioritizes features based on user needs, business objectives, and their suitability for native development within each sprint.
  • Gathers feedback on delivered features, focusing on user experience and platform-specific performance. These reviews also identify areas for improvement within the development process specific to native app development.
  • Allows for course correction based on new requirements, changing priorities, or platform-specific limitations.
  • Triggers automated builds and tests specific to the chosen native platform (iOS or Android) upon code commits.
  • Run automated tests within the pipeline to catch regressions and ensure code quality within the native development environment.
  • Merges code changes frequently into a shared repository to minimize conflicts and streamline native development workflows.
  • Deployment to testing or staging environments after successful builds and tests specific to the target platform (depending on risk tolerance).
  • Implemented within CI/CD pipelines or throughout development for core functionalities, with a focus on testing native UI elements, gestures, and device interactions.
  • By the QA team throughout the development cycle to assess usability, and performance, and identify bugs specific to the native platform (iOS or Android) across various devices.
  • Performed after each new feature or bug fix to ensure existing functionalities remain functional within the native app environment.
  • A VCS (e.g., Git) to track code changes specific to the native development environment, facilitate collaboration among developers, and enable easy rollbacks if necessary.
  • Defines workflows for creating, merging, and managing development branches specific to native development tasks.
  • Ensures code quality, maintainability, and adherence to platform-specific best practices, and optimizes the code for native performance.
// Collaboration

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// Expertise

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15+ Countries Worldwide

James Woods
James Woods
CEO and Legal Director, E C Legal
Kernshell is playing a large part in the development of our new management software for our legal practice. Called Law Office Information System or LOIS for short it is a complete solution for the operation of small to medium size law firms. Kernshell and its Director of Services, Rudresh Dave, have been involved in the project from the outset and have provided excellent advice and delivered quality code on or before due dates and at a very reasonable price. I could not recommend them more highly.
Simon Giordano
Simon Giordano
CEO, Spondooli
Rudresh and Kernshell Services have been an integral part of the development and ongoing maintenance of our software. Fast responses, attention to detail and turnaround time, they will not let you down. It is a pleasure to have Kernshell Services be a partner of the Spondooli Fast Money Team.
James Woods
James Woods
CEO and Legal Director, E C Legal
Kernshell is playing a large part in the development of our new management software for our legal practice. Called Law Office Information System or LOIS for short it is a complete solution for the operation of small to medium size law firms. Kernshell and its Director of Services, Rudresh Dave, have been involved in the project from the outset and have provided excellent advice and delivered quality code on or before due dates and at a very reasonable price. I could not recommend them more highly.
Simon Giordano
Simon Giordano
CEO, Spondooli
Rudresh and Kernshell Services have been an integral part of the development and ongoing maintenance of our software. Fast responses, attention to detail and turnaround time, they will not let you down. It is a pleasure to have Kernshell Services be a partner of the Spondooli Fast Money Team.
// Partnership

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